CLI wallet Guide

This will generate a subaddress and its optional label, which addess you can share to receive payment on the account it's linked to. For example,

address new github_donations

will generate a subaddress and its label 'github_donations'.

To view all generated addresses, run:

address all

Proving to a third party you paid someone

If you pay a merchant, and the merchant claims to not have received the funds, you may need to prove to a third party you did send the funds - or even to the merchant, if it is a honest mistake. Tuske is private, so you can't just point to your transaction in the blockchain, as you can't tell who sent it, and who received it. However, by supplying the per-transaction private key to a party, that party can tell whether that transaction sent tuske to that particular address. Note that storing these per-transaction keys is disabled by default, and you will have to enable it before sending, if you think you may need it:

set store-tx-info 1

You can retrieve the tx key from an earlier transaction:

get_tx_key 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012

Pass in the transaction ID you want the key for. Remember that a payment might have been split in more than one transaction, so you may need several keys. You can then send that key, or these keys, to whoever you want to provide proof of your transaction, along with the transaction id and the address you sent to. Note that this third party, if knowing your own address, will be able to see how much change was returned to you as well.

If you are the third party (that is, someone wants to prove to you that they sent tuske to an address), then you can check this way:


Replace TXID, TXKEY and ADDRESS with the transaction ID, per-transaction key, and destination address which were supplied to you, respectively. tuske-wallet-cli will check that transaction and let you know how much monero this transaction paid to the given address.

How to find a payment to you

If you received a payment using a particular payment ID, you can look it up:

payments PAYMENTID

You can give more than one payment ID too.

More generally, you can review incoming and outgoing payments:


You can give an optional height to list only recent transactions, and request only incoming or outgoing transactions. For example,

show_transfers in 6500

will only show incoming transfers after block 6500. You can also give a height range.

If you want to mine, you can do so from the wallet:

start_mining 2

This will start mining on the daemon usin two threads. Note that this is solo mining, and may take a while before you find a block. To stop mining:


Last updated